Into the Book


Rachel's Tears - Beth Nimmo and Darell Scott

"I am not going to apologize for speaking the Name of Jesus, I am not going to justify my faith to them, and I am not going to hide the light that God has put into me. If I have to sacrifice everything... I will."
"This will be my last year Lord. I have gotten what I can... Thank you."
-Rachel Scott

Rachel Joy Scott was an ordinary girl in an ordinary world. She went to school, faced drama just like any other teen, and struggled with issues common to any girl her age. However, there was a certain element to her life that set her apart from many girls at her school-- Her faith.

Rachel was convinced that Jesus was the answer to any problem, and she lived her beliefs out at school, at home, and with her friends. Rachel's Tears documents her personal battles, accomplishments, and everyday walk with Jesus Christ leading up to the tragity that took her life.

On April 20, 1999 two crazed gunmen raided Columbine High School, killed 13 people, injured 24, and eventually killed themselves. Rachel Joy Scott was one of the many victims, and her parents bravely narrate her life story using excerpts of writings and pictures from her journals, and comments from those who knew her. The book recognizes Rachel as a modern-day martyr because she answered "Yes" when the killers asked her if she believed in Christ, and her response makes me wonder how many of us would have the courage to answer the same...

Rachel's depth, struggles, and victory she experienced in her walk with the Lord was unfathomable to me; and quite motivating, to say the least...

"What if you were to die today? What would happen to you? Where would you go? Tomorrow is not a promise, but a chance. It may not be there for you. After death, then what? Where will you spend your eternity? Will you have an eternal life with our loving Father, or will you be ripped away from the arms of your Saviour Jesus Christ? ETERNITY IS IN YOUR HANDS... CHANGE IT!" -Rachel Scott

Rachel's Tears was an enormous encouragement to me, and inspired me to get serious about my faith, and to realize that any day could be my last. This book stirred me to start witnessing and sharing the love of Christ with EVERYONE, not just those that are easy to love...

I can't emphasize how STRONGLY I recommend this book, and I can honestly say in spite of the heartbreaking story of Rachel's death, her life story is one the most inspiring ever written. I now can join thousands of others, who thank God that He used Rachel Joy Scott's tragic death to tell the story of her remarkable life.

"Not for the sake of glory,
Not for the sake of fame;
Not of the sake of success;
But for the sake of my soul."
-Rachel Joy Scott


  1. This sounds like a really great, encouraging book. It's so sad what happened, but it's great that this girl could stand strong and rely on Jesus through everything. Thanks for the review, I'll try to get of a copy of it :)

  2. I am reading this book right now and i wa just thinking of what had happened in connecticut at Sandy Hook. How those kids and Rachel are heros in all of the other childrens eyes! I am sorry for your loss, but greatful that such a religous girl was living on this planet.

  3. I am reding this book for my book report and needed to find a picture, and i opened this and thought that i would comment... your daughter is a gift to the entire world, she will be a role modle for me through my life. She really was a gift from above.


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