Into the Book


About Jasmine R.

Ever since I began to read, I have loved books. This love of mine was fed by my Mum and frequent trips to the library throughout all my homeschooling years, and what began as a love quickly became a passion. The world of books fascinated me, and I devoured just about anything and everything I was given to consume. Since then, I have learned to look for quality of reading - that sometimes one must look deep beneath the surface of a dustjacket - and it has become a challenge to seek out and find wholesome reading material for my six younger siblings, and anyone else who happens to be looking for a book.

My taste in books is wide and varied. Chief among my favourite authors are Frank E. Peretti, Janette Oke, and John Flanagan, along with many others. The first two books that stole my complete attention and have remained steadfast favourites are The Westing Game by Ellen Raskin, and Mara: Daughter of the Nile by Eloise Jarvis McGraw. As a volunteer at my local library, my list of awesome authors and fantastic reads is continually being populated.

I am mostly found spending time with my awesome parents and six siblings on our small farm in Australia, where we raise sheep, chickens, a cat, a goat, and two dogs. In everything I do, from hanging out with family, writing short stories and poetry, graphic designing, blogging, playing the piano/guitar, to reading, I am continuing to learn from the feet of my Saviour, and it is my life's goal to serve God through it all as a daughter of the King.


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