The Pilgrim’s Progress is a superb allegory that is superbly written. Hinds’ feet on high places is also a superb allegory, but I wouldn’t say it is well written. When reading this book, one needs to appreciate the allegory in it and not focus on the quality of the writing.
But don’t take that to mean that the book is bad or that the message is not clear. That’s not true at all. The book is clear, and the plot is fairly well-done. The story centers around Much-Afraid and her journey to the High Places with the Shepherd. Throughout the journey, Much-Afraid is assaulted frequently by some of her relatives: Self-Pity, Pride, Craven Fear, Bitterness and Resentment. Much-Afraid is a young cripple with a twisted mouth and the Shepherd promises to give her Hinds’ Feet if she will go with him to the High Places. The story emphasizes Much-Afraid being loved and her journey with her two companions: Sorrow and Suffering.
The best part of the story, I think, is not Much-Afraid’s journey to the High Places with the Shepherd, but two other things. One is that Much-Afraid, throughout the story, surrenders her life to the Lord and lets him take control. This is symbolized in the book by making an altar and literally burning something (The author doesn’t say what) on the altar. After the offering has burnt a small stone remains. Throughout the story Much-Afraid gathers twelve stones from altars, and then, when she thinks she is going to die, considers throwing them away, yet keeps them. When she finally reaches the high places, these stones are turned into precious jewels and put into her crown.
My other favorite part would have to be that after Much-Afraid reaches the high places she returns to minister and share about the Shepherd to her family members. A problem I have with the book, however, is that nowhere does it clearly show Christ's sacrifice for us.
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