Chapter 1 – The Power This chapter deals with the fact that as women, we are given a great power, which is modesty. We have the choice of what to do with this power. We can either be a “Secret Keeper” and honor God with our bodies, or we can use the power to bring attention to ourselves. We must wield this power very delicately.
Chapter 2 – The Secret God has intended to be shared with only one man, which means that we are not to flaunt our bodies and use them immorally. But we are to be more concerned with our internal beauty than our external beauty anyway. God has created us just the way He wanted us!!
Chapter 3 – The Mark When we dress immodestly, we are missing the mark. The mark is God’s purpose for us, which is for us to save our bodies for one man and no other. Even when we think it’s “just fashion” we may be causing our brothers in Christ to stumble. And even if we hit the target, but not the bull’s eye, which is the mark, we sin.
Chapter 4 – The Allure This chapter deals with the fact that the allure of immodesty is not in what is seen, but what is not seen. Our eyes seek to complete what is not seen, and this refers to modesty as well. Instead of temping men to complete this image, this chapter challenges us to dress modestly.
Chapter 5 – The Inner Quality Our modesty does show a glimpse of who we are, but we also need to have our character to be modest as well. Through both of these things we will show our virtue. Our external beauty is worth nothing when our character is not beautiful.
Chapter 6 – The Bottom Line Modesty is only possible if you love God! It is all a heart issue, and the way we dress shows our obedience to God. With this thought in mind, how effective do you think your testimony is?
Modesty isn’t all about how much skin is covered. It’s about obedience to God and seeking his ultimate purpose for you. Dannah has an amazing way of presenting this. I highly recommend this book to every girl, and I think that its message is one that needs to be heard by today’s culture!
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