The book is divided into twenty chapters, each covering one portion of the Proverb's 31 (or P31 as the book calls her) woman. Each chapter opens up with the author sharing a part of her trip to Israel, goes on into a discussion of that particular trait, and ends with some discussion questions. I think the discussion questions means that this book is suited to be a devotional or as part of a Sunday School class.
Despite the fact that the title says "for Young Women", I feel like it's targeted at preteens to early teens. That's mostly from the style of writing with "soooo" (perhaps I used an 'o' or two too many) and "ooooh" and generally talking like my younger sisters. But the book is supposed to be a sort of confidante, to help you grow into a truly beautiful young woman, so I suppose that for younger girls, this is the most appropriate style.
I had only one small problem with the book. In Chapter 3, "A Spring of Goodness", the author presents a list of ladies that you don't want to follow because they weren't a "spring of goodness for their husbands." Reading through the list, you'll see that Eve (the mother of all human beings) and Rebekah (who's generous heart helped her become Isaac's wife) included in a list with other evil ladies like Jezebel and Solomon's wives. Now, the inclusion of Eve and Rebekah made me uncomfortable. I look up to Eve and Rebekah. I know that they've sinned, but who hasn't? And the way this passage was written, it felt like it was their fault that their husbands sinned (in the case of Adam at least). Perhaps it's just my personality, but I know that if I was younger and read a book like that, I would get really scared and well, the weight of other people's sin is not something that you should ask anyone to bear, boy or girl. I would have appreciated it if the book added a paragraph saying that the husbands did have some responsibility, even if their wives played a role in getting them to sin. I feel that while Satan will always tempt you to sin, in the end, the one that chooses to sin is you yourself. In the same way, we cannot make a blanket statement and say (or make people feel that) if a wife isn't a perfect, pure spring of goodness, her husband will sin and it will be all her fault.
And that was the only part of the book that made me uncomfortable. Apart from that, I found the book to be a good resource for young girls, and it's something that you can consider giving to a young cousin or relative and going through with them, to help them become Godly women.
Disclaimer: I got a free copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for a free and honest review.
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